Saturday April 25 Races (Gates open 3:30) Tri- Track Super Late Models Columbia River Legends Mini Super Stocks Qualifying. Qualifying Races and All B-Mains Sunday April 26 Races (Gates open 1:00) Tri-Track Super Late Models ”Leonard Evans “200” Columbia River Legends ”Regional Race” Mini Super Stocks “Spring Spectacular” Main Events WVSO Schedule
144 golfers participate in one of the best tournaments in the Northwest at the beautiful Highlander Golf Course. More fun is in store this year at the Apple Blossom Festival Golf Tournament. Awards, raffles and more. There will be a Hole-in-One Contest for a 2015 vehicle from Sangster Motors. Contact the Festival Office for more … Continued
GS Long Hell on Hooves Rough Stock Invitational Rodeo EVENT INCLUDES: Professional Bareback, Saddle Bronc & Bull Riding Barrel Racing Clown Act Bull Poker Mutton Bustin’ Mechanical Bull Ticket information
3-on-3 basketball tournament with several divisions, and at a new location this year - Wenatchee Valley College. Adult divisions on Saturday beginning at 10:00. Kid's divisions Sunday starting at 8:00. Tournament website
Tour de Bloom Tour de Bloom Omnium will welcome more than 270 cyclists from around the Northwest for this weekend's annual races in the Greater Wenatchee Area. The event shifts into gear with the Hill Climb Race on Saturday morning from Squilchuck State Park to Mission Ridge Ski & Board Resort. Riders will then descend … Continued
Pybus Market-EHE Scholarship Foundation presents the 1st Annual Rugrat Nation 3on3 Tournament. This tournament is for grades K-3rd and will be held at the Pybus Market parking lot. This is a nonprofit event and all proceeds go toward the general scholarship fund to help youth in our community with sports and education and families in … Continued
Course begins on the Apple Blossom Festival Parade route, with tens of thousands of spectators to cheer you on. 10k, 5k and 2.1k (kids). Runners & walkers are encouraged to participate. Website & Registration Form
Rams vs. Flathead Monsters - WFL league play The Rams are 3 time WFL defending champions. Team is mostly comprised of former local high school and college players from North Central Washington. Season Schedule
The mile run has made a resurgence around the country, and what better place to get that mile in than the closed-off streets in downtown Wenatchee during the final weekend of the Apple Blossom Festival. The all-ages inaugural Wenatchee Urban Mile will be held at 6:05 p.m. this Saturday during a break in the Tour … Continued
These half-marathon and 5-mile runs take place on well-maintained trails at the stunning Horse Lake Reserve, which is owned and managed by the Chelan-Douglas Land Trust. The 1,700-acre reserve is located just a few miles northwest of the city of Wenatchee in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains. The event is put on by RunWenatchee … Continued
USSSA Men's D division (Walla Walla Point Park) & E division (Hydro Park) softball tournaments. 40+ teams. Home Run Derby open to everyone Friday 6:30pm at Walla Walla Point Park. 509-433-4819
The Warrior Challenge is one of the most exciting and fun athletic events in Central Washington. With 30 obstacles, huge mud pits, swinging ropes, cargo nets, climbing walls and much more. This event has 4 courses designed for the littlest warriors to the mightiest, ages 5 years and up. Kids will run in the morning … Continued
Release provided by Adventure Wenatchee Ride of Silence to be held May 20 in Wenatchee WENATCHEE — The annual Ride of Silence will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 20, beginning at Pybus Public Market and continuing in a slow procession through the city. The free ride asks participants to move no faster than … Continued
50+ team tournament at: Sterling Sports Complex, Walla Walla Point Park, and Kirby Billingsley Hydro Park. Click here for list of teams entered. Greater Wenatchee Girl's Softball Assoc. website
Help celebrate and support the Girls on the Run program by participating in this family friendly, untimed fun run in Wenatchee on May 23, 2015! This fundraising event will be held on the beautiful Wenatchee waterfront with the start and finish at Pybus Public Market and with the Apple Capital Recreation Loop Trail utilized for the … Continued
Approximately 80 players from all over North America (BC, Minnesota, Georgia, California, Ohio, Alaska, etc.) will be on hand for the Wild's annual tryout camp. No charge to the public. Schedule
The Packers host teams from throughout Washington for a 3-day tournament. Our Packer, Blues, and Reds teams are part of the Central Washington American Legion Baseball League. This league is one of the premier American Legion leagues in the United States; producing four World Series finalists teams between 2000 and 2010. The players involved in this program … Continued
Elite Hoop Effects will be hosting a basketball clinic featuring former NBA player Dennis Nutt. Coach Nutt is presently the head coach for Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. During his NBA career he played for the Dallas Mavericks, Milwaukee Bucks and Sacramento Kings. The Dennis Nutt clinic for boys and girls will be held May 29 … Continued
Bike Rodeo May 30th 9:00am - 10:30pm Eastmont Aquatic Center Parking Lot FREE EVENT!! There will be bicycle and helmet inspections, bicycle safety information, an obstacle course and lots of fun for the whole family! We are giving away helmets and goodie bags, first come, first serve. Bring your bicycle and helmet to ride … Continued
Coordinated by RunWenatchee. There are two runs — a 25-kilometer and a 10-kilometer — on single-track trails. The 25K is very challenging with about 3,000 feet of elevation gain. More information TIME CHANGE****RunWenatchee announced today (Wednesday May 27) it will move up the start time of its Red Devil Challenge 25K Trail Run this Sunday one … Continued
The Wenatchee Master's Crew welcomes you to participate in the 14th-annual National Learn to Row Day, sponsored by USRowing, on the beautiful Columbia River. This fun and informative two-hour introductory class will teach you the basics - equipment, the stroke, rowing commands, and rowing safety. Pre-registration strongly encouraged. You will be assigned to one of … Continued
One of the largest bike rides in eastern Washington, sponsored by Wenatchee Sunrise Rotary. Details Apple Century Bike Ride - Route Update #2: IMPORTANT Due to an unfortunate oversight by the county and highway crews, the road resurfacing project on the Chumstick Highway between Leavenworth and Plain will be active during our ride from 8am … Continued
Wenatchee Valley Rams vs. Spokane Wolfpack. Rams are 3-time defending champions and are undefeated this season. Sp[okane has only 2 losses - both to the Rams. Rams season schedule/scores