Ride of Silence

Release provided by Adventure Wenatchee Ride of Silence to be held May 20 in Wenatchee WENATCHEE — The annual Ride of Silence will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May … Continued

Sterling Invite Girl’s Softball

Multiple Locations

50+ team tournament at: Sterling Sports Complex, Walla Walla Point Park, and Kirby Billingsley Hydro Park. Click here for list of teams entered. Greater Wenatchee Girl's Softball Assoc. website

Girls on the Run

Pybus Public Market 3 North Worthen, Wenatchee, United States

Help celebrate and support the Girls on the Run program by participating in this family friendly,  untimed fun run in Wenatchee on May 23, 2015! This fundraising event will be held … Continued

1A Region IV High School Baseball

Dan White Field 955 3rd NE, East Wenatchee, United States

10:00   Kings Way Christian vs. Cle Elum-Roslyn 1:00      Cashmere vs. Colville Championship game to follow Bracket

Apple Capital Swim Meet

Wenatchee City Pool 220 South Fuller Street, Wenatchee, WA, United States

Sponsored by Crunch Pak. 800+ swimmers are expected. Meet information Velocity Swim Team Schedule.

Youth Basketball Clinic

Eastmont Jr. High School 270 9th NE, East Wenatchee, WA, United States

Elite Hoop Effects will be hosting a basketball clinic featuring former NBA player Dennis Nutt. Coach Nutt is presently the head coach for Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia, Arkansas.  During his … Continued

Apple Valley Packers Tournament

Paul Thomas Sr. Baseball Stadium 1300 Fifth, Wenatchee, WA, United States

The Packers host teams from throughout Washington for a 3-day tournament. Our Packer, Blues, and Reds teams are part of the Central Washington American Legion Baseball League. This league is one … Continued

Wild Tryout Camp

Town Toyota Center 1300 Walla Walla Avenue, Wenatchee, WA, United States

Approximately 80 players from all over North America (BC, Minnesota, Georgia, California, Ohio, Alaska, etc.) will be on hand for the Wild's annual tryout camp. No charge to the public. Schedule

Relay for Life Begins

Eastmont High School 955 3rd Ave NE, East Wenatchee, United States

Relay For Life of Chelan/Douglas Counties annually raises thousands of dollars for the American Cancer Society. Website

Bike Rodeo

Eastmont YMCA Aquatic Center 980 NE 3rd, East Wenatchee

Bike Rodeo May 30th 9:00am - 10:30pm Eastmont Aquatic Center Parking Lot FREE EVENT!!   There will be bicycle and helmet inspections, bicycle safety information, an obstacle course and lots … Continued