The Packers host teams from throughout Washington for a 3-day tournament. Our Packer, Blues, and Reds teams are part of the Central Washington American Legion Baseball League. This league is one of the premier American Legion leagues in the United States; producing four World Series finalists teams between 2000 and 2010. The players involved in this program … Continued
Approximately 80 players from all over North America (BC, Minnesota, Georgia, California, Ohio, Alaska, etc.) will be on hand for the Wild's annual tryout camp. No charge to the public. Schedule
Coordinated by RunWenatchee. There are two runs — a 25-kilometer and a 10-kilometer — on single-track trails. The 25K is very challenging with about 3,000 feet of elevation gain. More information TIME CHANGE****RunWenatchee announced today (Wednesday May 27) it will move up the start time of its Red Devil Challenge 25K Trail Run this Sunday one … Continued
The Wenatchee Master's Crew welcomes you to participate in the 14th-annual National Learn to Row Day, sponsored by USRowing, on the beautiful Columbia River. This fun and informative two-hour introductory class will teach you the basics - equipment, the stroke, rowing commands, and rowing safety. Pre-registration strongly encouraged. You will be assigned to one of … Continued
One of the largest bike rides in eastern Washington, sponsored by Wenatchee Sunrise Rotary. Details Apple Century Bike Ride - Route Update #2: IMPORTANT Due to an unfortunate oversight by the county and highway crews, the road resurfacing project on the Chumstick Highway between Leavenworth and Plain will be active during our ride from 8am … Continued
Wenatchee Valley Rams vs. Spokane Wolfpack. Rams are 3-time defending champions and are undefeated this season. Sp[okane has only 2 losses - both to the Rams. Rams season schedule/scores
Sponsored by Wenatchee North Rotary & Wenatchee Valley College, this 45th annual event gives recognition to area athletes, coaches and others associated with the area sports scene. Program highlight includes guest Kenny Mayne of ESPN, former Wenatchee Valley College Knight quarterback. Link to the NCW Sports Awards website and to the 2015 finalists.
Eastmont Apple Capital Youth Baseball Tournament for 11U, 12U. Enjoy a weekend in the beautiful Wenatchee Valley playing at one of the best youth baseball parks in Washington State! Immaculate fields, quality umpiring, new batting cages & bullpens, and competition to suit all levels of play. Games will be played on 70’ base paths with … Continued
26 team tournament, with 13 from the Greater Wenatchee area and 13 from through out the state. Games run 8:30am - 9:00pm Saturday and 8-5 Sunday. Home Run Derby, open to the public, Friday night from 6-9.
Featuring teams from North Central Washington, Ephrata, Moses Lake, Ellensburg, Grand Coulee. Start times: Saturday & Sunday @ 8am Wenatchee Youth Baseball website
Helping people of the Wenatchee Valley get outside and enjoy the local outdoor wonders! Instructional seminars, how-To workshops, environmental education, outdoor booths featuring local clubs, groups & businesses, outdoor activities. More information
1st annual - 47 mile mountain bike course that starts and finishes at Mission Ridge. A 15 mile trail run is planned for Sunday the 14th. Benefit race for the Wenatchee North Rotary Scholarship Fund and the Central Washington Evergreen Bike Alliance Chapter for the Squilchuck Park project. Evan Plews: 503-949-4879. Information & Registration
1st annual - A 15 mile trail run over beautiful high mountain single track, starting and finishing a=at Mission Ridge. This follows a Saturday47 mile mountain bike course ride. Benefit for the Wenatchee North Rotary Scholarship Fund and the Central Washington Evergreen Bike Alliance Chapter for the Squilchuck Park project. Evan Plews: 503-949-4879. Information & Registration
The Blues host teams from throughout Washington for a 4-day tournament. Tournament Bracket Our Packer, Blues, and Reds teams are part of the Central Washington American Legion Baseball League. This league is one of the premier American Legion leagues in the United States; producing four World Series finalists teams between 2000 and 2010. The players involved in this … Continued
For girls entering 2nd-8th grades. 3 day camp with divisions broken into the following groups: 2nd-4th grades 5th-6th grades 7th-8th grades Information
150 skaters from throughout the Pacific Northwest are expected to compete. The event is hosted by the Wenatchee Figure Skating Club. Sanctioned by US Figure Skating and Skate Canada. Rink Schedule
Sponsored by the East Wenatchee Rotary Club with over $10, 000 in cash & prizes. Area is from Wells Dam to Rock Island Dam. Official hours are Friday June 19th at 6:00 pm thru Sunday June 21 at 11:30 AM. Tickets are $20 per adults, kids are free. All Rules and regulations are available at Hooked … Continued
9U, 10U Eastmont Classic Youth Baseball Tournament. 12 teams from North Central Washington, Whatcom, Ferndale, Kennewick and other areas from throughout Washington. Tournament begins Saturday at 10:00am. Enjoy a weekend in the beautiful Wenatchee Valley playing at one of the best youth baseball parks in Washington State! Immaculate fields, quality umpiring, new batting cages & bullpens, and competition … Continued
Always wanted to learn how to skateboard? Now’s your chance to learn from some of the best skateboarders in town! If you already know how to skate, not a problem. We will be dividing the camp into beginner and intermediate groups. Participants must bring their own skateboard, helmet, knee pads, elbow pads and wrist pads. … Continued
3 day camp running June 23-25. The AppleSox are proud of the quality instruction in all the fundamentals of the game that the AppleSox clinics provide. We look for self-improvement with each player. The coaches will be dedicated to helping young players come closer to reaching their baseball dreams. Our goal is for each player to … Continued
WVC fundraiser has teams from Toledo, Toutle Lake, Ephrata, Cashmere, Eastmont, Wenatchee and Cascade. Start times: Friday 5:00pm Saturday 9:00am Sunday 9:00am
Gates open at 5 with food concessions, jumpy toys for the kids, a truck show 'n shine, live music with the Hometown Hooligans, the NW Truck Pull, and Fireworks will end the evening. Tickets are $10 for adults, $6 for kids 6-12, kids 5-under and active military are FREE. Trophies will be given out in … Continued
The North Cascades Bank River Run on the Fourth 5K and 10K running race is part of the community’s Independence Day Celebration. The event’s two courses take in the Apple Capital Loop Trail along the Columbia River. The start and finish areas are located on the street directly behind Pybus Public Market to the east. … Continued