WAHA Apple Cup Bantam Tournament
Town Toyota Center 1300 Walla Walla Avenue, Wenatchee, WA, United States14u tournament - 8 teams from Sno-King, Kent, British Columbia and Idaho Tournament Schedule
14u tournament - 8 teams from Sno-King, Kent, British Columbia and Idaho Tournament Schedule
16u & 18u divisions - 8 teams from British Columbia, Lewiston, Sno-King & Spokane Tournament Schedule
Teams competing from Spokane, Yakima, Tri Cities, North Idaho, Walla Walla, Omak, Pateros, Leavenworth, Quincy/Moses Lake, Chelan, Ephrata, and the Wenatchee area. U-16's play at Wenatchee High School - U18 … Continued
27th annual memorial tournament. 4th-8th grade boys played at several gyms in the Wenatchee area. More information.
U14 & older Giant Slalom Ski Racing at Mission Ridge Mission Ridge Ski Team website Race details
8 team U12 tournament. Tournament schedule
7-team doubles tournament at the WRAC. Schedule
Welcome to the third-annual Bundle-Up 5K Run and Walk and 1K Kids Race, held in conjunction with the Bundle-Up Festival in downtown Wenatchee. Event Details Registration
Big 9 Conference basketball: Girls - 5:45; Boys - 7:30
About 250 skiers expected for U8, 10, 12 14 Ski Racing at Mission Ridge Race details