- This event has passed.
Bowling – 84th Annual WVUSBC Open Championship Tournament
March 9, 2024 - March 10, 2024
84th Annual WVUSBC Open Championship Tournament Rules Eastmont Lanes Youth May Enter Singles Event (See rule 19)
1. This tournament is open to all members of the Wenatchee Valley USBC Association.
2. Entries close at 10:30 a.m Sunday March 10, 2023. There is no early bird event.
3. Entry fees: $25.00 per event, per person: lineage $12.00, prize fund $9.00, expense fund $4.00 All events is $3.00 and is optional.
4. Handicap will be 90% of 230 with no limit, using the 3-game format for handicapping. A bowler’s average for the tournament will be determined in the following order: a. The highest certified winter league average for 2022-2023 recorded in the yearbook for 21 games or more. b. The highest certified average for a minimum of 21 games as of February 1, 2024. c. The highest certified average as of February 24, 2024, for 15 games or more. d. Bowlers who do not meet any of these criteria must enter the tournament with a 220 average. e. Bowlers who only have a Sport League average will be required to use the average adjustment scale as indicated by USBC rule 202d. *Averages used in this tournament must have been established in a league certified by the WVUSBC.
5. All participants must have a current USBC card purchased through the Wenatchee Valley USBC. Bowlers living within the local jurisdiction who do not have a current card may purchase one prior to entering the tournament.
6. 4-person teams may be made up of any adult bowlers in the Wenatchee Valley USBC. Multiple participation in the team, doubles, and singles events is encouraged. a. Bowlers are permitted to enter the team, doubles, and singles events multiple times but must change two (2) bowlers on the team and one (1) bowler in doubles to cash more than once. A bowler may cash only once in singles. b. A bowler’s first team, doubles, and singles events scores will be used for the all-events total. The All Events fee must be paid prior to the bowler’s participation in any event.
7. Doubles and Singles are individual events so participants must sign up for two different squads. a. Bowlers may bowl Doubles OR Singles OR both events.
8. Prizes and Awards: Cash prizes and WVUSBC issued tournament prizes shall be awarded on a handicap basis. Team, doubles, singles, and handicap all-events prizes are paid on a 1:5 ratio.
9. A $25.00 prize will be awarded to the scratch all-events winner. The cost will come from the expense fund.
10. Winners of the team event will receive a free entry into the following year’s tournament. Only the members of the winning team may use the free entry and it may not be used by any other person. If a team replaces one or more bowlers the following year, the new bowlers will be responsible for the entry fee. An exception will be considered if any of the previous bowlers is deceased.
11. Lineups on the recap sheets will be in the order submitted on the entry form.
12. Substitutions should be reported to the tournament office 30 minutes prior to squad time.
13. Check-in time is 30 minutes prior to bowling time. Practice will run for 10 minutes before each squad is scheduled to start. Tardy bowlers must start in the frame being bowled, scoring zeroes for missed frames. If a substitute has bowled the first frame, he/she shall be allowed to complete the series.
14. Entry fees are not refundable (USBC Tournament Rule 314). The tournament manager may make exceptions in an emergency situation.
15. Protests and appeals must be submitted in writing stating the grounds for the protest or appeal prior to the payment of tournament prizes.
16. USBC Tournament Rule 319c (average adjustment) does not apply.
17. The following USBC Tournament Rules do not apply: 319a2, 319a3, 319a4, 319c, 319d, and 319e. Any questions or disputes not covered in the rules will be addressed by the Tournament Committee.
18. The lanes will be oiled once before the first squad on each tournament day. There will be no re-oiling between squads.
19. Youth may enter Singles only by filling out an entry form PLUS the “Singles Competition Prize Waiver” with parental approval, PRIOR TO competing in the tournament.
Note: Lane assignments are made in the order that paid entries are received and verified by the tournament manager. Return entry form with money to Association Manager Auna Lundberg at Eastmont Lanes. Please make checks payable to WVUSBC or Wenatchee Valley USBC!