
Wenatchee Valley Sportsmen Show

Town Toyota Center 1300 Walla Walla Avenue, Wenatchee

The Wenatchee Valley Sportsmen Show will offer consumers a prime opportunity to see the latest in outdoor gear, the newest in fishing boats, motors and accessories, the hottest guides and … Continued

Moose Dewlap Citizen’s Trek

Lake Wenatchee Recreation Club Lake Wenatchee

The Leavenworth Winter Sports Club is hosting the 2nd annual Moose Dewlap Citizens Trek, scheduled for February 27th, 2016.  This is new all-day 43k Nordic ski trek through the beautiful Lake Wenatchee, … Continued

NCW State Basketball Playoffs

Multiple Locations

It's down to the final 16 for all classifications of the Washington state basketball playoffs. There are several games in the Wenatchee area Saturday. At Wenatchee High School: 2:00pm   State … Continued