Learn To Row Day

Wenatchee Row & Paddle 901 Walla Walla, Wenatchee

The Wenatchee Master's Crew welcomes you to participate in the 14th-annual National Learn to Row Day, sponsored by USRowing, on the beautiful Columbia River. This fun and informative two-hour introductory … Continued

Apple Century Bike Ride

Walla Walla Point Park 1414 Walla Walla Avenue, Wenatchee

One of the largest bike rides in eastern Washington, sponsored by Wenatchee Sunrise Rotary.  Details Apple Century Bike Ride - Route Update #2: IMPORTANT Due to an unfortunate oversight by … Continued

WFL Championship

Eastmont Jr. High School 270 9th NE, East Wenatchee

Wenatchee Valley Rams vs. Spokane Wolfpack. Rams are 3-time defending champions and are undefeated this season. Sp[okane has only 2 losses - both to the Rams. Rams season schedule/scores

Racing at WVSO

Wenatchee Valley Super Oval 2850 Gun Club Road, East Wenatchee

WESCO Winged Sprints, Dwarf Cars, Thunder Cars, Mini Supers, Super Tuners, Youth Tuners Website

Wenatchee AppleSox Baseball

Paul Thomas Sr. Baseball Stadium 1300 Fifth, Wenatchee

AppleSox vs. Spokane Expos AppleSox website Season Schedule