Having Fun & Raising Funds

There are many locally based groups that do tremendous ‘behind the scenes’ charity work that benefits area youth. One of those is the Wenatchee Valley Sports Foundation, which will be actively raising money the next two weekends to help needy kids have the chance to participate in local youth sports programs.
Saturday August 8th from noon-3pm, the public is invited to enjoy the Vintage Airstream Club tours at Wenatchee River County Park near Monitor. Usually 25-30 of these unique travel trailers are available for open house tours at this annual event. Many are from the 1950-60’s era and hail from several western states and British Columbia. Most owners are more than happy to offer a full ‘inside and out’ tour of their pride and joy. All voluntary donations go to the Youth Scholarship Fund.
The following weekend, August 15 & 16, the Sports Foundation will host the 40th Annual O’Terry’s Lads & Lasses Softball Tournament at Walla Walla Point Park. Co-Ed teams from throughout the state come here to enjoy a couple of days of softball fun, again with many of the proceeds benefitting area youth. The Wenatchee Exchange Club will be assisting the Sports Foundation during the tournament this year, giving some much needed volunteer time.
The Wenatchee Valley Sports Foundation is comprised of volunteers from throughout the community that endeavor to create a ‘sporting chance for all’ philosophy.

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