Sports This Weekend-What Will You Pick?

May 29-31 – One of the busiest sports weekends of the season is coming, featuring a big variety of activities for participants and spectators. Many of the events get underway Friday, including the largest swim meet of the year, The Apple Capital Swim Meet at the Wenatchee City Pool. The meet gets underway Friday at 11:00 and runs through Sunday. 772 swimmers are entered, ranging from British Columbia to Arizona. Football fans will be treated to a Washington Football League (WFL) semi-final playoff game Saturday at Eastmont Junior High, as the Wenatchee Valley Rams meet Flathead. If the Rams win, they will host the championship game next weekend. The Wenatchee FC Soccer Club is also home Saturday, as they play host to the Olympic Force. Game time is 6:00pm at Mike Hollis Field on the Wenatchee Valley College campus. The Apple Valley Packers American Legion Baseball team hosts a weekend tournament. Paul Thomas Senior Baseball Stadium at Wenatchee Valley College is the venue. And, just because it’s spring doesn’t mean hockey is over. The Wenatchee Wild hold their try out camp Friday thru Sunday at Town Toyota Center. 80 participants from throughout North America will be on hand, hoping to land a spot on next season’s team. And if you’re  into trail running, the Red Devil Challenge near Cashmere is Sunday beginning at 9:00am. It’s a 25k/10k event, with start points at the Devil’s Gulch and Sand Creek Trail Heads.

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