Mission Ridge Property Expansion

Mission Ridge Ski & Board Resort released the following press release on Friday December 19, 2014:


Mission Ridge Release logo

Mission Ridge’s owner, Larry Scrivanich has recently purchased two parcels of land adjacent to Mission Ridge’s permitted ski area operations.

Scrivanich commented, “The opportunity to acquire the property came up quickly and we haven’t yet formed a plan.  That said, the goal is to expand the resort into that area.  Hopefully we can develop a plan that is viewed in a positive way and as an asset for Mission Ridge, Wenatchee, and Chelan County as a whole.”
Josh Jorgensen, General Manager at Mission Ridge pointed to the growing importance of outdoor recreation to the Wenatchee Valley.  “Mission Ridge is a large economic contributor and driver for the surrounding communities. Overall, outdoor recreation is an increasingly important contributor to our communities’ culture, wellbeing, tourism sector and future.  Mission is proud to help Wenatchee lead the way as an outdoor recreation playground for the entire region and this property acquisition will be fun to talk about with the community and form a plan that best meets the needs of our people and the environment,” said Jorgensen.

Legal Description of the property:

Parcel A – Section 19, Township 21 North, Range 20, E.W.M., Chelan County, Washington and Parcel B – The West half of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter, EXCEPT the East 200 feet of even width thereof; the West half of the Northeast quarter; the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter; the South half of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter; thence South half the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter, all in Section 30, Township 21 North, Range 20 E.W.M., Chelan County, Washington.

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