Coaches of Inspiration Awards

Nominations are being accepted for the 5th Annual Coaches of Inspiration Awards.  The program is designed to be a “Thank You” to all those volunteer coaches out there who give so much of their lives and personal time to help provide a positive, fun learning environment for our youth, no matter the age or sport.

We’d love to get the nominations from the actual players.  Then, we turn around and provide the player who nominated their coach two tickets and have them invite their coach to our Ice Cream Social to be recognized.  Coaches who receive special recognition are those who, according to the nominations, rose above and beyond the call of duty as a coach.

Nominations are due Thurday, May 11th.  The Awards Night Ice Cream Social will be Wednesday, May 25th at the Wenatchee Community Center at 6pm.  To download a nomination form, click here 2011 Entry Form.  Fill it out and mail it in today to:

Wenatchee Valley Sports Foundation
5 S. Wenatchee Avenue, Suite 100
Wenatchee, WA  98801

Again, nomination deadline is May 11th.

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